Welcome To QB Cattle – #HalfbloodNation
Be A Leader in the Ring
QB Cattle is a small but quality club calf operation dedicated to raising American influence show steers and show heifers, with a large focus on halfblood Brahmans. We created the term “Halfblood Nation” because we really believe in the Brahman steer program and the quality of these cattle. We sell about 10-20 American club calves each year to young people exhibiting in 4-H and FFA, jackpot shows, and major shows. Our goal however is not just to raise a good calf. We know that the junior livestock programs are designed to help build young people, and that’s why another one of our slogans is “Be A Leader in the Ring.” We strive to operate in a Christian, professional manner and help provide young people with a positive experience of not only building their livestock skills, but their life skills as well. We look forward to working with you.
Kolten Thigpen • Qbcattlecompany@yahoo.com • (830) 426-1713
Heart of a Champion Sale
The Brahman Royal
Heart of a Champion Sale
April 5, 2017 • Boling, Texas
We greatly appreciate the support of everyone involved. Please let us know if we can help with any questions in the future
A fresh new format where YOUR HEART determines YOUR success!
Come look at our calves anytime after March 18. Each calf is priced individually, based on previous sale averages. Even though they have a price tag, no cattle will be sold until sale day.
“Sale Day” is really deadline day! Our “buyers” will be competing for the calf they want based on an essay or video that shows the heart and the passion you have for showing. Instead of competing with bids, you’ll be competing with the desire you have to be a champion! If you like multiple calves, let us know the calves you like in a preference order.
Essay & Video Requirements
• Must be submitted by due date – April 5th.
• Topic : What has and does showing mean to you? Why do you want/like this calf/calves? Define in your own words what it is to be a champion.
• Email your essay to Qbcattlecompany@yahoo.com or text your video to 830-426-1713.
Video can be however short or long the showman prefers…as long as it comes from the heart.
The QB Heart Award
• As a special sale feature, at the end of the spring show season, we will select a QB HEART award recipient from the group of showman that purchased stock from the sale.
• The QB Heart award is given to the showman who poured their heart out into their project, whether it was awarded in the ring or not. This person will be a humble, hard working grinder, that is always willing to help others and that has a grit about them and a never give up attitude. An overcomer, a leader.
• The award will be custom and special for each individual each year
Sale Offering

Stud Duck x CACC 721
Lot 1
Since day one…THE ONE…so he will be your Lot 1. The truest rib and muscle shape I have been able to put on one but his smoothness and attractiveness on top of it should be outlawed. My favorite dog as a kid was actually my neighbors and he was a big chocolate lab named Choco … this guys adopted that nickname so if you hear me refer to choco it’s this stud.

American Made x Clubby
Lot 2
If FW scares you…then stay home, bet there r some winners anyway! I think he would fit there and his muscles will sure fit that place by the Alamo if they have to. Those Broz boys say there is a show in Angelo every year, he may like to take a visit there also. I like this one, bone power and just enough look.
Consigner: Moore Cattle

Lot 4
When an Angus makes it in this boys Brahman Royal sale…he might be alright! There is nothing freaky about him but he is as good and honest as they come. Solid as a rock…and I’m trying not to start preaching! FW SA or wherever your heart desires.
Consigner: Soape Show Cattle

Lovin 620 X Brahman
Lot 7
I’ve liked this Brahman since he was a baby. He is extremely square built in his rib cage and hip. He has good bone, a good attitude, and a good frame size. I think he makes a light weight, and a sure enough good one.
Consigner : Kenfolk Show Cattle

Stud Duck x 10
Lot 8
This mating is so consistent! There has only been one of these brothers go into a ring and not brand at a major. Easy feeding and easy to look at!

American Made x Gert
Lot 9
Some people like those meals that you can’t pronounce, have small portions, shaped funny, with a leaf on top… but I like granny’s meat and taters and I like to go back for seconds on that and I like to eat again for lunch the next day! Well everyone I would like to introduce you to meat and taters! Has all the goods without the fancy and the fluff.
Consigner: Moore Show Cattle

Woodrow x Chili Pepper
Lot 10
Y’all know who gets Lot 10…My man! Sometimes u can’t explain it, it’s just a feeling you get. Kinda like when i first met that good lookin’ girl in Houston…look at this one and my heart starts a racin’, my knees start to shakin’, and my voice gets to crackin’, and I don’t think I blink not even once! This is another one of those matings I have been craving to do, and cha-ching!
Consigner: Wolf Point

Woodrow x Maine/brangus
Lot 13
No fancy pic I haven’t had a chance to halter this one yet but he is a truck! His top and rib shape parallels that of a champion hog more than anything. One of the very best Woodrow son abc calves I have seen.
Consigner: Kenfolk Cattle

Blue Duck x Brahman
Lot 16
No fancy pic I haven’t had a chance Sweet 16 perfectly describes this halfbloods demeanor. He’s fault free in his design, heavily muscled, and moderate framed. There are a lot of different types and kinds that get shown in the Brahman deal, but ones like this are easy to find and easy to like!
Consigner: Alford Show Cattle
Photos and winner information coming soon!